Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's Friday but Sunday's Coming.wmv

Thats My King

Help me to be like my daddy~

I wrote something , i wanted to share it with you, something that just came to my heart after talking with a dear friend last night and telling her all about my problems when i needed to be quiet and listen to her....

God help me to be more like you..... help me to have eyes like yours, to see the hurts in people lives, not just the funny statements they post from trying to hide the pain, help me to have ears like your to hear the screams even when they are silent, and not covered up by songs or noises they post to hide their pain, God give me hands like yours to love everyone just as you do, not to pick and choose who i want to love more than others, everyone that is in my life, is there for a reason. God give me feet like yours to walk and carry not a cross for me but a cross for others, just as your Son, Jesus did for me, to walk as far as the East is to the West no matter how far I have to go to carry that cross. God my prayer is to be just like my daddy........... You.........God~

day 3 of 40 Days With Jesus

Day 3 of 40 Days With Jesus~ Follow Me one step at a time. That is all i require of you. In fact, that is the only way to move through t...