On Friday, October 22nd in the villages of Africa. It was a day the villagers will never forget.
Violet is a beautiful, sweet 4 yr old who lives in the village of Chunga. She loves faithfully to attend church there with her Father, Mother & crippled Grandmother whom she is named after. Her momma was gone collecting vegtables for their family and her father was gone to the village town to sell what had already been collected,
In the distance the villagers heard loud cries from a precious little voice, it belong to Violet.
The man was planning to hang her after he brutally molsted her and bit her lips to keep her silence.
The villagers caught him before he had time to hang her. They took him away but poor Violet wouldnt say a word to anyone for the fear that was in her, her lips were torn and busted from all the biting he done to try to keep her quiet.
Little Violet was taken to a hospital, there she was treated and was visited by Missionaries that God has
placed there in His time and these are her words;
" I have heard many stories like this but, this is the first time I have looked into the sad, hurtful & confused eyes of a little child that was a victim of such a vile, evil & satanic act. My heart broke inside me. We have sweet little granddaughters & I pray continually,for God to protect them from the evils of this world."
Violet also has Christian parents & grandmother that take her to church at Chunga village. She didn't speak for 4 days after the attack but, the first thing she said was.... aren't we going to church today?
I did not write this for my anything but to show Gods glory, this story could of turned out a lot different but God has a plan for little Violet, and God has a plan for you too. It breaks my heart to even place my eyes on the first few words of this story,I would just love to hold that little girl in my arms and tell her its all ok now but I cant but I can pray for her and her family .Please help us pray for healing for her & her family & the church at Chunga. This is a satanic attack on these people.
Our God is an awesome God and He is the reason the village people heard her "silent cries, " if the evil man had her mouth bitten shut the how did they hear her...... God is how they heard her, they caught the man before he hung her why? Because God told them to go and they went!
The next time God tells you to go, please dont stand still it might be someone's " silent cries. "
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