Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Time with God

Good morning, 

I don't have many followers and that's fine, I come here not because of me, but because of God, my life is not my own, for what it's worth, it's all Gods. It's worth more than words a can say. Because He surrendered His only Son to die on the cross for our sins so we can live in heaven with him forever!! 

I have thought about it often lately, but when I die I do not want people mourning for me....... I want them to rejoice with me, cause I will be with my Jesus, the one who died for me. I personally don't know if I
could let someone whip me with chains and spikes, then crush a crown of thorns on my head and then nail me to a cross. But Jesus did, for you and for me.... Then 3 days God brought Him to live in heaven with Him forever and Jesus is alive today and He is coming back to gets us. If you are not saved and would like to experience it just close your eyes and just imagine you are face to face with Jesus and better than the best friend you can have, he is there with you, ask him to come to live in your heart. Tell him you believe in him and you want to spend forever with him in heaven. Then finish your prayer with "in Jesus name I pray, Amen". then tell everyone you know so they too can do the same, and then when you die you won't have to be scared or wonder what happen to the loved one you just lost, because you will see them again in heaven. 
 I  have an older brother, and a niece that passed away when they were babies and i cant wait to meet them when i go to heaven. So at my funeral, it may seem different but that's fine with me, it will be a joyous time. Butterflies will be released at my funeral. It will represent a time in my life when I was in a cocoon,(a time of trials) then while there, God created me to be this beautiful butterfly he released after it was made in His image.

Will I miss everyone here sure I will but I will always be with them in my heart. 
 You will experience Jesus like that too, He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will stick closer than a brother.
 His word, the Holy Bible tells you how awesome God and shows us all about His love. It will guide you always! 

Deuteronomy 31:6

New Living Translation (NLT)
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For theLord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

I hope you enjoyed this. Remember, no matter what you go through in this life, God is always with you and this place is not your home. He is building a mansion in heaven for you! 

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